30 years of age, Samson Afolayan is a UK based House music producer, DJ and record label owner.As well as the music side of things he also runs a tech startup from the heart of London, although is true passion his music.
Q:When you decide it’s time to make a new record, is that more exciting or stressful?
Ans: It’s the best feeling ever making a new record and it sounds great, it’s stressful when it doesn’t quite sound how you want it to though!
Q: How do you shut things out?
Ans: Listening to music I find is the best way to unwind and completely relax, all the stresses of the day seem to dissapear once you play a track you really like.
Q: How easily do songs tend to come to you?
Ans : Creativity comes all the time, anything can spark it, from hearing someone else’s beat on the radio to just fiddling around with things, it just comes naturally, I don’t really think it can be taught.
Q: What’s your motto or the advice you live by?
Ans: “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6.34. People ask me why am I so calm and laid back when I should be tearing my hair apart, well it’s because of that motto that’s my principle in life.
Q: What is you favorite song to belt out at the bar/in the car?
ANs: It’s gotta be Secondcity I wanna feel, it’s not your typical underground House track but it’s a timeless melodic classic and one of the tunes that got me into House.
Q: For our readers who have never heard your music, explain your sound in 5 words?
Ans: Hard-hitting thumping tech-house.
Q: You write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs and what’s your favorite part about the proccess?
ANS: I don’t write songs, I’m not that talented unfortunately. I just use electronic software to make beats, it’s not hard at all, I collab with singers who help with the vocals.
Q:Who are your inspirations?
Ans: It’s hard to say, I kinda just draw inspiration from how I feel and what’s in my head at the time, I guess I’d have to say Benny Benassi if I had to say because he was my main real first influence into House music.
Q:Do you have any events coming up or recording going on right now?
Ans: My first ever EP is soon to be released Friday 8th March 2019, I’m looking forward to that.
Q:Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to sing as a career or just advice about careers in general?
Ans : Start now, don’t wait for anybody or anything else, work with what you have even if it’s just something small in your bedroom, most importantly you have to realise that other people will try and distract you, so you’ve gotta just listen to your gut and if that’s telling you to go for it then just do it. Only take advice from people you trust nobody else.
Q: If you had a soundtrack to your life what song/songs would have to be on it?
Ans : It would probably be Michael Jackson Man in the Mirror and something fromLighthouse Family, two different types of song but great songs that bring back childhood memories.
Q:When and why did you start playing?
ANS: Late 2014 I practised but properly for a year now from June 2018. A love of partying, going out to House festivals and clubs and listening to the likes of Arun Verone, and other local underground DJs. Seeing Annie Mac live in Malta a couple years back was also a night to remember.
Q: Is your family musical?
Ans: We grew up listening to Michael Jackson and Sonny Ade – a Nigerian artist but no, there are no musicians in my family.
Q: What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? In your neighborhood or town?
Ans: Dancing to Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and Sunny Ade with the rest of the family at home. I was always the best dancer moving my hips, although my brother would contest that!
Q: Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?
Ans: There is a small amount of nerves and anxiety just before you start but once the music starts playing and tunes rolling all the nerves suddenly dissapear and time could not go any faster.
Q: What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
Ans: Nerves are part of the process, just accept them and let them pass, try to think of other positive thoughts and I find this tends to help. Remember that we’re only human so it’s natural to be nervous.
Q: How do you balance your music with other obligations – mate, children, job?
Ans: Music is a hobby, it’s a job in the sense that I get paid to make it but that’s a far as it goes, I’m making music all day every day and it’s fun, never get bored of it.
Thanks for taking time out of your day:)