Get to Know Derik Fay, An Entrepreneur Whose 20 Year Success Seems to Know no Bounds!

Derik Fay, a Rhode Island native, moved to Florida in his early 20s and started his career as an entrepreneur.
When Fay was 22 years old, he founded a company named 3F Management. The company quickly became a massive success with its core value to ‘give back where you earn.’


3F Management, LLC – Founder and Owner

Mr. Fay owns and operates this venture capital, operational management, and acquisition company.
By Building an extensive portfolio of owned and managed businesses in all industries, 3F has continued to grow since its inception. 3F owns in whole or part over 30 companies of various sizes.

January 2008 – March 2020

Around the Clock Fitness Properties – Founder and Owner.

Mr. Fay solely owned and operated Florida’s largest and most successful independently owned health chain. ATC Fitness is the only fitness industry to make record-breaking net profits by creating and implementing new and innovative matters. It also made large quantities of charitable contributions. Sold in 2019 to NASDAQ: publicly traded company for largest multiple in the industry.

Salon PLEX Holdings, LLC (Founder and Owner)

Salon PLEX is a high-value, low-cost approach to the booming Salon Suites business. It quickly became the fastest-growing salon suite concept in the nation. Salon PLEX continues to rise rapidly through 2022.


Apart from his professional involvements, Derik Fay is also a philanthropic by nature, having personally donated millions to 100s of non profit organizations. Here are some of his works in this field:

Children’s Network of SW Florida

Board Member and Chairman of the Audit Council.

Mr. Fay was appointed as the youngest board member and sole representative of Lee County.

The responsibilities of the board members are for the rights, placement, protection, and legislature of nearly 2,500 orphans, abused, neglected, and abandoned children.

Around the Clock Caring, Florida (Non-Profit)

Founder/ President

The sole purpose of the program is to give families a second chance. Second chance means providing jobs, skills, and other life skills training.