Eating Before Bedtime; A controversial Health issues
Eating before bed: some says it helps you lose weight while others say it makes you gain weight. But critically examining this topic, it depends on how you go about it. The type of food consumed helps determine which side you will be grouped. It is a known fact that sleeping slows down the body metabolism, your body also uses energy to carry out some crucial functions like repairing the damaged tissue while sleeping. So in simple words, evidence supports both sides of this coin. There are many conflicting opinions when it comes to a late-night meal, but it has both advantages and disadvantages, like any other situation.
What to Eat Before Bedtime
Eating before bedtime has many pros and cons, which depends on factors like food, it may be of great benefits or grave disadvantages. However, what you eat before bedtime matters a lot and plays a vital role in determining whether this habit will be detrimental to your health. Beneficial food that should be eaten before bedtime:
Turkey: turkeys are highly nutritious and delicious, which is why they are on this list. Turkeys are rich in protein, which is good for strengthening the muscles and regulating appetite. Studies have shown that consuming a healthy amount of before bed leads to quality sleep. It is a good source of vitamins and some needed minerals in the body. includes; selenium, riboflavin, and phosphorus.6/v
Kiwi: kiwis are rich in nutrients. Besides, they are low in calories. Kiwis contain vitamin C, potassium, and phosphorus. Furthermore, they benefit the digestive system and reduce inflammation. It is because of its richness in antioxidants such as fiber and carotenoid. Also, kiwi is high in serotonin, a chemical that helps regulate the body’s sleep cycle. Vitamins C in kiwi also helps promotes good sleep too.
Fatty Fish: generally, fishes are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Fatty fishes are not left behind; they are incredibly healthy because of their large amounts of vitamin D. They also have omega-3 fatty acids in large quantities, and this compound has been known to reduce the risk of heart disease and boost overall brain health. According to research, omega-3, and Vitamin D, it has increased overall sleep quality.
Almond: Generally, nuts are suitable for health; they are good sources of vitamins like phosphorous, riboflavin, fiber, antioxidants, manganese, and monosaturated fat. The combination of these nutrients helps to lower the risk of heart diseases and type 2diabetes. Almond is also a good source of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate the circadian rhythm.
The food listed above is a great meal to consume before bedtime; they are of significant advantages because of the nutrients and vitamins. However, some set of food is damaging to health, mostly when consumed before bedtime. Foods that should be avoided before bedtime:
Pasta: although this meal is easy and fast to prepare, it is not advisable to consume it right before bedtime. It is highly rich in carbohydrates, which may turn to excess fat if consumed directly before bedtime. Besides, they have a high glycemic index, which may affect your blood sugar levels. It delays sleep and keeps you awake at night. Good night rest is good for the overall health of the body.
Celery: well, this may be odd, but the reason celery is on this list is that it is diuretic. It means you pee more than usual. Consuming a large quantity of celery before bedtime may keep you awake as you may find yourself going to the toilet more than usual at night.
Ice-cream: it is usually a comfort food, but too much of it right before bedtime is downright unhealthy. It is loaded with fat and sugars. Consuming high sugar foods before bed can lead to nightmares.
Eating Before Bedtime and Weight
People generally associate weight gain with night-time eating, well this is not true. Instead, some evidence shows that eating before bedtime provides the body’s calories to carry out some activities. It all boils down to the content of food consumed and size. Keep in mind that if you go to sleep hungry, the body is being denied calories needed to recharge and, as such, may hold on to carbs and fat rather than use it as fuel. Consuming a large size meal before bedtime may lead to dyspepsia; the reason is that a large meal takes a longer time to digest.
Eating Before Bed and Acid reflux
While the body is capable of sleeping and digesting simultaneously, it is not advisable to sleep immediately after eating. During digestion, food moves from the mouth through the esophagus and down to the stomach. In the stomach, muscle contraction and different enzymes work on the food and break it down to smaller compounds. However, when sleeping, stomach motility and muscle contraction are slow. This may lead to stomach content and digestive juices flowing back to the mouth through the esophagus.
It causes that burning sensation, taste, or both that you feel in your throat or chest. This is known as acid or gastroesophageal reflux, heartburn. Acid reflux can also be trigger by eating when lying down. When you do this, the stomach loses the effect of gravity that helps keep the food down. Acid reflux is expected when you get it once in a while, but it is a disease when you experience it two-three times a week. When this happens, consult your physician.
Heartburn No More
Heartburn no more is a program designed to educates you on the causes of heartburn and how it can be prevented. The book provides a 5-step approach to solving the problem of heartburn as well as nutritional guidelines. Heartburn is a problem experienced by many people, but the book may be the answer to your unspoken prayers. It contains well-researched findings that tackle the major causes of heartburn, risk factor, and diagnosis.
Pros of Heartburn No More Program
- It sheds light on the causes of heartburn
- It is affordable
- It is easily accessible anywhere
- It reduces the risk involved in medication
- It prevents the risk of developing other diseases
- It does not come in hardcopy
- It requires discipline to achieve results.