Does Cardio Helps lose Belly Fat
Being Fit is one of the criteria for a healthy lifestyle; aside from this, it has other benefits. There are so many different exercise routines that sometimes they become confusing. If you can’t differentiate each routine and define how they fit into your plan or goals, it would be a waste of time later. This is because you might not experience any notable changes, especially for those struggling with obesity.
Cardio is an exercise routine that is often used interchangeably with aerobic exercise. Although this might be correct, there is a slight difference between the two terms. Cardio is any exercise that increases the heart rate. We all know that to keep the joints and muscles in top shape, there is a need to exercise regularly. This is because muscles become weak and stiff when not exercised. The heart is a muscle that needs to be worked from time to time to keep it in good condition.
Besides, it allows the heart to pump blood to different parts of the body efficiently. We all know what is carried by blood – oxygen. Also, this leads to burning more fat. Cardio routine keeps your heart rate at 50% above its maximum level. Cardio is sometimes called aerobic because both achieve the same goal. While aerobic is an exercise that uses oxygen, cardio increases the heart rate. Cardio leads to the pumping of more blood, which in turn, distributes oxygen. These two routines both lead to an increase in oxygen and heart rate.
Benefits of Cardio Exercise
The health and physical benefit of cardio are numerous. In simple words, cardio is highly beneficial to your overall health and fitness. Here are some of the benefit of cardio:
Healthy heart: one of the primary benefits of carrying out cardio is a healthy and robust heart. Like earlier discussed, the heart is a muscle, and it has been clearly emphasized that regular motion or exercise is good for the muscle. Routine or regular exercise makes the heart works harder that is at an increased rate, which in turn strengthens the heart and makes it more efficient in carrying out its functions. Another benefit is that it reduces high blood pressure.
The reason is that the heart does not have to work as hard to distribute the same amount of blood; it usually pumps around the body. This increases the life span of the heart. A healthy functioning heart promotes physical health as oxygenated blood is distributed to areas where it is needed in the body. The more blood is made available to these areas, the more productive they are. The risk of developing stroke, heart attack, and other heart diseases is significantly reduced when functioning correctly. Having a strong and healthy heart is really of great importance!
It creates strong and healthy lungs: cardiovascular exercise helps the lungs grow stronger and increase efficiency. This is a two-way benefit, the more you exercise, the stronger your lungs. And healthier lungs allows you to carry out more physical activities. Cardio exercise helps create more alveoli, which is used to absorb more oxygen. This increases the oxygen processing rates of the lungs, making more needed oxygen available to the body.
Strong and healthy lungs are beneficial for overall health and lifestyle. For those who quickly get winded after climbing flights of stairs or mountains, this is often caused by a shortage of oxygen. Some cardio exercises may be the solution to the problem.
It increases metabolism and aids weight loss: carrying out cardio exercise helps burn calories and lose weight. It also helps increase the rate of metabolism. The energy needed to carry out cardio is derived from food consumed. Once this is no longer available, it turns to an alternative source; the fat stored in the body. Cardio increases metabolism as it makes the body burn a higher percentage of fat than average. The higher the amount of fat used up, the higher the weight loss.
Increase in circulation: it merely goes thus; a healthy heart leads to a better circulatory system whereby blood, oxygen, and nutrients is distributed to all part of the body.
Does Cardio Help Lose Belly Fat?
Belly fat is annoying, and if not adequately managed or reduced can become a nuisance. Studies have shown that cardio can help lose fat, but this is may not be entirely effective if targeted against belly fat. Sometimes, the frequency and duration are more important than the intensity of the exercise. However, there are combinations of steps and routines that can effectively battle this. The type of food consumed, when coupled with cardio, can be quite useful in losing belly fats.
How to Pick the Best Cardio Workout
The cardio exercise consists of a wide array of activities; there are just so many options to consider. But there is a way you can select the best routine and combination to achieve your goals. These activities can be nicely integrated into your daily lifestyle. There are majorly four criteria to consider;
Convenience: when choosing a cardio routine, it is preferable to select the convenient one. For instance, it is not advisable to choose swimming when you don’t have easy access to a pool or mountaineering when you are not close to a mountain range. You may even go for one that can be carried out in the comfort of your home.
Time: time is an essential factor too. The cardio routine you choose also depends on the amount of time available. People with the luxury of time may decide to go for 4 hours cycling while others can spend 30-60 minutes in the swimming pool.
Preference: so many options to pick from, but remember, it is better to select one that you carry out diligently and consistently. Choosing a routine, you are excited about makes you consistent with it. You should not pick swimming if you are not a fan of water.
Physical Limitation: if you are prone to joint injuries or have a history with them, carrying out activities like running is not advisable. But you can go for low impact activities like swimming and hiking.