“You & Me” tells the story of someone who allows a person to come in and out of their life, over and over again. It’s about always taking the same person back despite the way they’ve treated you. The message I hope people take from this track would be to have the strength to realize that if a relationship isn’t working for both people, it’s time to move on.
Steph Devine:
An exceptional music artist from Massachusetts. Steph was in love with the idea of music and songwriting from a very young age. One could always spot her humming and swaying to all kinds of music and striking harmony with her favorite artists.
Her new single, “You & Me” Is a fun Alternative Country/Acoustic Pop Track with playful vocal harmonies and vibrant ukulele.
All her memories inculcate music in some way or another. She was a passionate girl who used to write and etch all her feelings into her diary and later in high school she converted all those entries into blissful songs. Growing up, she spent her free time writing songs and learning more about music. Writing is a stimulator for other such desires and led Steph to learn instruments as she wanted to create stellar songs. Hence, she learned to play guitar, banjo, piano, and ukulele.
Steph is a supporter of animal rights and as such, she worked with the organization “No Dogs Left Behind”, which rescues pooches and dogs from being traded for meat in China.
She also struck chords with a mini poodle at the organization and adopted her from NDLB. She named her pet Minnie and following that, the founder of NDLB Jeff Berri was impressed by her music and compassion and decided to use some of her music for the organization. Her first single ‘Better Man’ was created for the same reason and this kickstarted her musical journey into the vast world.
Steph aims to inspire others with her meaningful music and gives the message to follow their dreams. Steph wants to instill courage in people to take steps that lead them to prosperity and make the best out of their days.
She believes that we should follow the light of success and achieve our dreams with elation. When people are too afraid to follow the sound of their heart and mind, then they will be remorseful in the future for not making their dreams come true.
There is nothing in this world that cannot be achieved through hard work and determination. All you have to do is keep pushing yourself to do better and bring more peace and kindness to the world. Steph follows these principles in her music and creates melodious songs that resonate with her audience.
The impact of this event made Steph realize that we should live each day to the fullest and make sure we work towards reaching our goals every day. This is what inspired her to finally release her music and give the world something to hold onto.
“Quarantine made me realize the importance of living everyday with full zeal and zest. It motivated me to finally release the music for the world because we never know what the future holds” – Steph Devine