LaQuinn is a rap artist from Charlottesville, Virginia.His music is direct, irreverent and in-your-face, with an energetic flow that reminds of the greats of the genre, including Drake, Kanye West or Biggie Smalls, just to mention but a few.
LaQuinn’s songs boast his unique lyrical mastery, as well as his ability to turn a beat into a powerhouse of groove and melody. This skilled wordsmith and performer has a smooth and consistent flow, which sits perfectly well within the mix.
Currently, this talented performer is playing live on tour with the “Super Smash Brothers” tour. His vision is simple: true the best possible live shows and studio productions, LaQuinn wants to truly touch people and connect with the audience on a deeper level.
Don’t miss his recent release, FARTS, which is currently available on the web.
Q:When you decide it’s time to make a new record, is that more exciting or stressful?
Ans: Its stressful as far as getting ready to put some emotional things out and knowing I am about to deal with the politics of it all but overall it’s exciting because you get that butterfly’s in your stomach effect.
Q: How do you shut things out?
Ans: I shut things out with my go to herbal blends and a lot of good instrumentals. I have never had any problems focusing and creating music.
Q: How easily do songs tend to come to you?
Ans : I have no set backs when it comes to songs because I love to make music. I actually come up with songs while doing the most mundane things in life because I have a vivid imagination with its own sound track to life.
Q: What’s your motto or the advice you live by?
Ans: Change what you can, do not worry about what you can not change and have enough knowledge to know the difference
Q: What is you favorite song to belt out at the bar/in the car?
ANs: My song “ChiQuita” ….. If it dont make dollars then it don’t make sense…how the hell running my mouth go pay my effing rent….gotta WORK,WORK,WORK,WORK,WORK MY Dude(2x)
Q: For our readers who have never heard your music, explain your sound in 5 words?
Ans: Knowledgeable, thought provoking chill music
Q: You write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs and what’s your favorite part about the proccess?
ANS: I draw my inspiration from everything under the sun that I know about in life. My loved ones gone really get me motivated and it is why I can write some good songs walking through the graveyard just as well as riding any big cities bus. Music is like sex to me and I consider myself a “ music nymphomaniac”.

Q: At what age did you start singing?
ANS: I started at the age of 8
Q:Who are your inspirations?
Ans: My inspirations are my late uncle Johnny, the struggles good and bad times and any one down trodden
Q: If you could perform with anyone, in the future, who would it have to be?
Ans: J Cole
Q:What is your favorite song to sing live?
Ans: Do For Love
Q:Do you have any events coming up or recording going on right now?
Ans: I have a concert June 23rd in Richmond Va at Club Infuzion and I just finished my 615 album dropping June 15th,2017.
Q:Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to sing as a career or just advice about careers in general?
Ans : Dont give up or give in just learn the ropes
Q: If you had a soundtrack to your life what song/songs would have to be on it?
Ans : My 217 and 615 album.
Reasons by Earth,Wind and Fire
This is how we chill to 1990 till by Souls of Mischief
Do 4 Love by Tupac
Murder Marciville,You must Love Me by Jay Z
So Whatcha Sayin by EPMD
Sexual Healing and mostly everything by Marvin Gaye
Nas It was Written
Night and Day by
Q:How does the conversation go when someone pitches the performance to you?
Ans: Lets go and make this happen. Performing to me is second nature.
Q:When and why did you start playing?
ANS: I started playing in a Go-Go band when I was 12
Q: Which instruments do you play?
Ans: I know almost every instrument except the winds
Q: What was the first tune(s) you learned?
Ans: First song I learned was Night and Day by Christopher Williams
Q: Is your family musical?
Ans: My family is musical on everyside,inside out.
Q: Describe your family member’s musical interests and abilities.
Ans: My brother Gill and my cousins Bump Brown and Itz P.G rap. Theres more but besides us the elder statesmen like my uncle Johnny Gilmore played with Dave Matthews,Tim Reynolds and various other bands. Then back in the 70-80s family members played with Parliament and Ohio Players.
Q: Which famous musicians do you admire? Why?
Ans: Jamie Foxx for his versatility and unwavering talent.
Q: Which famous musicians have you learned from?
Ans: I have learned from every musician that has come through my city of Charlottesville, Va as well as any one I have listened to because to me its all school.
Q: Who was your first teacher? Other teachers?
Ans: Miss Thomas and Miss Banks
Q: Describe your first instrument. Other instruments.
Ans: My first instrument played was the drums, in school was the violin and my love is the piano/synth
Q: What are your fondest musical memories? In your house? In your neighborhood or town?
Ans: My fondest memories is before my uncle Johnny died and my uncle Curtis got sick we would gang up and make up raps as little kids.
Q: Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones?
Ans: I was heavily influenced by funk and the 90s mixtapes that are floating around. The raw party no nonsense style.
Q: Who are your favorite musicians? Groups? CD’s?
Ans: My favorite groups are A Tribe Called Quest “Midnight Marauders” and my favorite emcee has to be LaQuinn.
Q: Have you been in competitions? Fleadh’s? Any prizes?
Ans: Yeah, I leave early and always get disqualified but I’m a pretty vicious battler and freestyler too.
Q: Do you perform in public? Describe those occasions? Concerts, radio, TV?
Ans: Yeah, Im on tour now. Super Smash Bros Tour and its been the best. Im gearing up to set up festivals and big shows too.
Q: Do you play for dances? Step-dancers? Describe the differences.
Ans: I havent did a step dance but I would love to
Q: How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
Ans: I have been through enough to where mistakes are no problem.
Q: Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?
Ans: Nope I actually come to life and I am mostly non responsive beforehand. Performances become easier the bigger they get because its like fuel to me.
Q: What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
Ans: Dont let the shakes getcha and if they do pick another career.
Q: Do you attend sessions? What makes a good session?
Ans: A good session is me and all my vices
Q: How often and for how long do you practice?
Ans: Every day all day
Q: What do you practice – exercises, new tunes, hard tunes, etc.?
Ans: I practice vocal exercises and hard tunes
Q: Do you teach music?
Ans: Yes to anyone who listens
Q: How do you balance your music with other obligations – mate, children, job?
Ans: Its easy, I am guided by some unknown spiritual force that wants me to win after having experienced some of the worst in life anyone can
Thanks for taking time out of your day:)