Loudboycooley is a talented and well rounded Hip-Hop and Rnb figure coming out of the Dmv area. Making noise with his first mixtape “Grind Hard Muzic” Vol 1 in 2012 he has created a buz and name as a Dc Staple when it comes to good music from the DMV.
Q:When you decide it’s time to make a new record, is that more exciting or stressful?
Ans: Definitely gonna be more exciting. Its actually a stress reliever. Music comes so naturally and I speak what’s in me so its forsure an outlet for me.
Q: How do you shut things out?
Ans: Life is life and I’ve learned to shut out the negativity, the distractions, my discomforts and just move pass it. We all kind of find our on way on handling things. But at this point in my life and career I’m at peace and truly in touch with my music and myself!
Q: How easily do songs tend to come to you?
Ans : Songs are purely off of inspiration. It can be love, it can be lusy, the struggle, the grind its all depends but it all come from my life. And I use tho to motivate me or inspire the concept or tone of a song or track. This is still work to me so I put my all in. But fairly easy I say!
Q: What’s your motto or the advice you live by?
Ans: Anyone who knows me knows j live by this. ” Make and Effort, Not an excuse”. To many people make excuses before any effort is put into it. I definitely believe in chasing your dreams and your vision of success. I don’t do laziness nor excuses in my team and wont allow it in my circle. All in or nothing at all!
Q: What is you favorite song to belt out at the bar/in the car?
ANs: Lol wow just all depends on my current mood or what’s going on right now. Theres really not one that automatically comes up, but I’m rocking with “Da Baby” he killing it right now and definitely setting vibes!
Q: For our readers who have never heard your music, explain your sound in 5 words?
Ans: Authentic, Real, Tasteful, Inspirational, And Street!
Q: You write all of your own music; where do you draw inspiration from when you write songs and what’s your favorite part about the proccess?
ANS: Just kinda foes back to the “My Life” thing. I base everything off of what’s around me, whats going on in my life, my past troubles. It all comes from within. I turn up every once and a while and that’s just all good times and good energy. But my life and the life I wanna see for my brothers mans sisters is truly my inspiration.
Q: At what age did you start singing?
ANS: Singing lol, I’m not what I would call a singer I could hold a few notes but very young at least about 9 10 I’ve been writing and finding myself musically!
Q:Who are your inspirations?
Ans: God, Family, The hustle and the grind. I look up to some artist in the game but I would say I look up to and they were and are symbolic to the industry. But noone of the top I say inspired me. My mom and fam you know!
Q: If you could perform with anyone, in the future, who would it have to be?
Ans: Definitely drake. Love his energy and his positivity! Great artist, a legend and I belive we would do damage together!
Q:What is your favorite song to sing live?
Ans: Would definitely say Beautiful by me and my boy Yns Dee. Song is pure love and the display of love!
Q:Do you have any events coming up or recording going on right now?
Ans:Yes plenty of recordings going on. “Loud Life” is full of life and surprises with special guest features. My boys Kriss Perry, Longmoneykese, Lightshow and more. Now shows you can always see me out n about in the city or the surrounding areas.
Q:Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to sing as a career or just advice about careers in general?
Ans : Be you and stay true to yourself, Stay Focus, and nothing happens over night keep grinding!
Q: If you had a soundtrack to your life what song/songs would have to be on it?
Ans : First thing that’s comes up is “Matter of Time” by Kem. The souls. The truth abs the wisdom within those lyrics along side the musical composition, the song really speaks to me.
Q:How does the conversation go when someone pitches the performance to you?
Ans: lol I’m terrible at this. I’m not the best when it comes to that love on the spot Performances only because usually my mind is focused on something else at the time. So I really dont give artist the full attention they deserve or require. But that’s why we have the team so there are people in my circle to grasp it all and breakdown the true artistry or talent.
Q: Which famous musicians have you learned from?
Ans: Blessed to have worked with the whole Stankonia Studio in Atlanta, Big Boy and his team and they are all to talented you know. My boy @Dopejockey is a celebrity engineer and he keeps my tracks golden. Haven’t had the pleasure of many but blessed and grateful for those who took out the time to listen.
Q: How do you balance your music with other obligations – mate, children, job?
Ans: Sometimes this is the hardest Struggle. My kids are at that age where they need there dad and want there dad around and this Is also a defining moment in my career I believe. But im blessed and thankful to have a great support team, these are people who believe in me and my dreams so that helps tremendously. I’ve always been a hustler/ go getter so making the dollar has never been an issue. But all praises to God. Somehow he provides me with a decent balance to where I feel we are all happy and comfortable. Truly a blessing.
Follow @Loudboycooley
Bookings @ ynsdmv@gmail.com
Thanks for taking time out of your day:)