An Exclusive Interview With Multitalented Photographer & filmmaker Patrick Schmetzer

For a long time, people believed that anyone with a camera can become a photographer-honestly, there is nothing wrong with that. However, there is a difference between ordinary people with cameras and artists.

In my time, I met many photographers in all possible fields—from portraits to pets, products, and even boudoirs. Although I think many of them are good, there is still a pair of specific photographers that attracted me. I was very happy to interview Patrick Schmetzer

I used to think that the passion for photography was the same for everyone, but it’s almost never the case. We’re different people, with different views, and we all want to make a difference in the world. 

What Are the Most Important Qualities of a Photographer?


This is usually self-evident, but I still have to say. Creativity does not stop at arranging a beautiful shot. You need to plan ahead, decide what props and lights you will use, what equipment you will carry and what the editor looks like. This plan can help you stay consistent, even if it is not necessarily consistent, it is also important!

An eye for detail

Everything is in the details, otherwise, we would just shoot the empty wall and say “you know, this is art”, but it’s not the case. Photographers need to pay great attention to every detail-not only because it can make the whole photo better, but also because it can be complicated to remove it in post-processing.


Some time ago, I had the privilege of discussing with a wildlife photographer. I understand the importance of patience. She used to wait for hours until the ferret brought her prey back to the nest, but the results were always shocking. This is a general rule for any type of photography. If you want it to be perfect, you need to spend time!


This applies to any type of photography, whether it’s outdoors or in the studio. You need to be flexible in arranging your schedule, your decoration, your everything. Professional photographers know this better than anyone.


There is no doubt that passion is the most important thing for a photographer-and no one will give it in vain. Yes, some people try to make a few bucks with the camera, but I can guarantee that it will never work. I asked Patrick Schmetzer a few questions about becoming a professional photographer and actually earning income. In my opinion, these answers are really impressive. Let’s take a look at it.

What motivated you to become a photographer?

“BEAUTY!. The beauty I can see in the woman’s portrait, in the light of the sunset, in the gentle smile of the child, In the texture of the dragonfly’s wings, you name it. What better way to celebrate beauty but immortalizing it in a beautiful photograph?!” 


What were the biggest roadblocks you encountered?

“Since I opened my studio, I have encountered many obstacles. Mainly because I have to learn to find a balance between the money I earn and the money spent on the latest generation of equipment. Always want the latest camera is the photographer’s curse .”

What do you think it’s the most important quality of a photographer?

“In my opinion, the best quality of a photographer is also the best thing to be a photographer. You always need to learn new things. If you don’t want to understand today’s trends, new methods, and new technologies, if you don’t keep improving your Technology, I believe you will be trapped by the power of habit. What I like most about this job is that I always try new things, I try new lighting settings, new poses, new projects, I will never be bored!”

How do you adapt to the different types of photography? 

“My studio has enough equipment, space, and props to complete almost any project. If the requirement is something I have never done before, I will conduct thorough research on the subject, conduct some tests before the actual shooting, and communicate. The idea, if you need to, get new props, you will always get surprisingly beautiful results in the end!”

What’s your to-go gear?

“The camera I use is a Canon 5D Mark IV. Each project has a suitable lens. Depending on the type of subject, there are two or more lights. I obviously need different equipment and different products and boudoir photography settings. I like natural light, but unfortunately, you can’t trust the weather forecast these days.”

What is the software you use the most?

“I use Adobe Photoshop for photography and Finalcut Pro for video editing.”

What does photography mean to you?

There is a song that says: “I go on vacation every day because I love my profession”. Photography is my source of income, but it is also an opportunity to have fun and do beautiful and different things every day.

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