Bikram Perhar Talk About His Latest App Doggydatez

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your background, education etc. ??

My name is bikram perhar. I am 33 years old and I live in Canada. I am a stand-up comedian and first time entrepreneur. I made my first app called doggydatez which I will be launching soon. It’s basically like tinder for your dog. It’s a must download for any dog lover. Please sign up on my landing page

Q. At what point did you decided to become an entrepreneur ?

 Always was an entrepreneur at heart. Loved creating things and always had great ideas. One day though to myself that I wanted to try to build my first app. Tried to learn code but was to hard. Almost gave up on my dream then learned how to make an amazing app without the use of any code

Q. How would you describe doggydatez app” to someone who has visited it?

 Doggydatez is basically tinder for your dog. An online community for dog lovers

Q- How can we follow you on social media?

 You can follow me @bikramperhar3 and @doggydatez1 on Twitter. You can also sign up on my landing page

Q. What motivates you to do your best as an entrepreneur?

What motivates me is the drive to make an amazing app that millions will use. Also to prove to everyone that I’m not just some dumb adult who will never succeed in anything

Q. What’s your advice to new entrepreneurs ?

My advice is fuck everyone who will doubt you. Never give up on your dream

Q. How can people find your App online?

My app will be available soon on Android on iPhone. In meantime sign up on my landing page
And be the first one to know when it launches