Although you cannot stricly classify actor Ego Mikitas, as Russian, but, this Greek by descent actor was born and raised in Moscow. He has survived during hard time after collapse of the Soviet Union, he developed his fighting skills and tuned male ‘s character under new Russian’s Wild West rules. So, now, when he needs to play bad guys in the movies, they are already under his skin.
The first ever project Ego recently completed on Australian’s land is a movie “Six from the Pocket”. It is a NY’ style Gangsters saga directed by young and ambitions director Adam J. Marsh.
The story of Italian criminal family setting up their own rules in New York in and around 1970, may not be an unknow for cinematography idea. But the highlighted principle “think 7 times, then shoot ones”, sounds as a very fresh reading of the concept. Director’s choice for this project is very unique approach, destroying the cliché of blood rivers, framing the picture of every single gangsters’ movie.
As always, the whole new story ruling by the Boss of Mafia – Mr Spilatro, played by Ego Mikitas. And the way he did it, – very much deserve to be highlighted and analysed as an actor’s performance.
First of all, Ego’s own physical appearance do not leave any doubts about his own power. This guy does not need bodyguards and does not need to rely on the fire power only, as the best solution for most of the issues. Mr Spilatro does not need to speak loud, or surround himself by hired muscles. Absolute confidence, awareness and enormous inner strength were perfectly played by Ego and that was look so believable and natural, that the question was come into the light – why the Bosses of mafia before Ego were mostly played by actors with average, or even undeveloped physicality? It looks like another cliché, permanently leaving an audience with their own guessing how that heroes can be real survivors? Well, one of the popular answer for that may be sort of “Smart ass always better than Big ass”. But who said that Big Ass cannot be Smart ass at the same time? Ask Ego than.
So, secondly Ego’ hero is a very Smart ass. Moreover, with the Ego’s own blue blooded features, movements and postures, the Smart ass to become a Noble exemption from all up to date known types of the screening criminals. So, at the end of the day, audience will see the sort of mixture between Hannibal Lector, Lord Byron and Terminator – that how the new type of Italian Boss of Mafia has been played in the “Six from the Pocket”. Frankly, it is hard to imagine any prototype to Ego’s acting abilities nowadays. He is no doubt very talented and wisely gifted actor and may be stepped onto the Cinematic Olympus very soon, if the fair opportunity to be given.
It was real pleasure to see the final cut of this new criminal action, made in Australia. The whole movie is a very good example of the new way of reading the history and telling audience yet untold stories from famous times. The whole team, directed by Mr March and inspired by Mr Mikitas did a great job, which must be seen by any Gangsters’ time admirers and Festival’s gurus.